Saturday, September 7, 2013


Verona for a second day!

Woke up and enjoyed breakfast with an Irish / Czech couple at our B&B. Then, it was tourist time! We purchased a handy Verona tourist card and proceeded to do a walking tour. We started with the arena that we watched Rigoletto the night before. It was fun to see it in the daylight and scramble around all the old Roman steps. I'm amazed that shorter humans walked in that area easily.  Next we went to 'Juliet's' house and balcony. I've never really been a Shakespeare fan but it was a fun experience anyway :)
no words but 'wow'

wherefore art my Romeo!?
Then we walked to a bell tower - Torre dei Lamberti (lots and lots of steps. lots) but we arrived right in time for the noon bell ringing which was loud but fun. There were a few Brits at the top so we had a pleasant conversation while waiting for the bells.  On to a few tombs of the Scaglieri family, the sculpture of Dante, and then the Basilica of St. Anastasia. Apparently they never finished the facade of the building but the interior was beautiful.
loud bells!
basilica of st. anastasia
 We were on the northern part of the center city so we decided to cross the river and go to castle and ancient Roman ruins. The castle ended up being closed but the view was fantastic. We stopped for a fruit juice and water break at a restaurant at the top of the hill (yes, we definitely got a good quad workout with all the steps we climbed today). After climbing back down and seeing that the ruins weren't much to look at (seriously, not even for ruins), we walked back over the bridge to the Duomo of Verona. It was beautiful as expected. It was fun because there was an organist and violinist practicing and the music combined with the surroundings was quite... majestic. The last sight was another castle and this one housed an art museum. It was not my style but still fun to see and appreciate. We enjoyed just meandering around and seeing some views from yes, even more stairs.
City view from the Castel San Pietro
Duomo of Verona 
Castel Vecchio
2 Hour train and we were back to Milan. We were so tired that we both fell asleep and the ride was quiet quick. Not a bad weekend at all.


As always, facebook will have more photos..

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