Sunday, February 24, 2013


Well, that little 'bump to the head' that I suffered yesterday turned out to actually be a concussion. So that's why I wasn't talking quite coherently yesterday. Ha. Oops. No permanent damage (thank you God) but I'm not thinking as clearly as usual and I feel like I knew I used to be smarter (end of Flowers for Algernon style). I'm thankful that this side-effect will pass within a week or two. The verse for today is about how I feel though - looking through a glass dimly..

How does this affect finals? This is one reason I really love SMU Cox. I emailed the assistant dean as well as two professors explaining what happened and asking if there was a way to get an extension of a day or two for my finals and - on a Sunday afternoon - both the asst. dean and the two professors emailed me back granting that request. Communication is vital in any organization, and they do it well at Cox.

Finals count: Podcast done, NPO Finance final done.
To go: ITOM final, Org Leadership final and project


For now we see through a glass, dimly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Finals and Such

Headed into finals week for Mod A of spring semester! It doesn't help my mental capacity to get knocked to the ground during ultimate frisbee today. However, I'm still hard at work. For finals, I have one team project, two take-home finals, one in class final, and one more assignment.

It seems unrealistic that the first year is almost gone - and that after I get back from Italy in the fall, I only have one semester left before graduating with my master's degrees. surreal. I kinda wish it were a longer degree. :)

Some other fun things from the week - chosen to be on a team of 1st and 2nd year MBA runners to go to Boston to do a 5k against other MBA programs. (a fun run but still taking competitively as we are MBA's haha) Started training this morning with a 2nd year and it'll be fun to build some new friendships with those who are going.

Time to hit the books again.


"Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Emotional Tank

The PCA holds positive-coaching seminars for youth sports coaches. At the seminars, trainers use the analogy of an "Emotional Tank" to get coaches to think about the right ratio of praise, support, and critical feedback. "The Emotional Tank is like the gas tank of an automobile. If your car's tank is empty, you can't drive very far. If your Emotional Tank is empty, you are not going to be able to perform at your best."
After the Emotional Tank analogy is introduced, the trainers begin an exercise. First, they ask the coaches to imagine that the person next to them has just flubbed a key play in the game. The coaches are challenged to say something to the person to drain his Emotional Tank. Since clever put-downs are a staple of many sports interactions, this exercise is embraced with noticeable enthusiasm. Thompson [found of the Positive Coaching Alliance] says, "The room fills with laughter as coaches get into the exercise, sometimes with great creativity."
Then the coaches are asked to imagine that someone else has made the same mistake, but now they're in charge of filling that person's Emotional Tank instead of draining it. This generates a more muted response. Thompson says, "The room often gets very quiet and you finally hear a feeble, 'Nice try!'"
Observing their own behavior, the coaches learn the lesson - how they found it easier to criticize than to support, to think of ten clever insults rather than a single consolation. Thompson found a way to transform his point into a testable credential, something the coaches could experience for themselves.
Excerpt from "Made to Stick" by Chip and Dan Heath 

Good thing to think about - how are your words effecting others?


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First Blog


Here is an attempt and semi-documenting my life (outside of the occasional - and character limited - Tweets). I anticipate very short posts to ease the burden of my writing, as well as a quick blog for any readers that might be out there.

Tonight's topic: Creating a synergistic online profile.

A couple days ago I bought a domain name. Why you ask? It was $1. The end.

In addition to this, I have started this blog. I think my online presence is complete for the moment. At some point, I'll start a flickr account to share my Italy pictures as Facebook probably won't be the quickest / most efficient method for that.

That's all I have time for. I need to write a request for internship travel funds as well as a scholarship application for next year. Oh yeah, and write a 7 ish page paper for tomorrow's class and read 3/4 of a book.

I also cooked a dinner that was more than a boxed meal for the first time in.. a very long time. Go me! #maturing

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Col. 1:27
