Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Amidst all the school activities I currently have, I am involved in a great organization called 'Toastmasters'. This provides me with an opportunity to practice my public speaking with supportive feedback from other members. I joined because I knew that my speaking skills were not as great as I wanted them to be in order to become the best leader in an organization later.

Tomorrow morning I will be presenting a speech called an 'Icebreaker'. Should be relatively simple as it's about myself. While preparing tonight, I realized again how thankful I am for my family who have supported me and given me opportunities that have led me to this point. I'm proud of them for all their successes and I'm glad to be on a journey to give the Bauman name even more positive weight.

On a school note: I'd like to share today's schedule. I'm actually very amazed how awake I still am and able to continue working. Thanks to God for that one.

8:00-11:30 Leadership Arts Institute class with my internship (Business Council for the Arts)
11:30-1 Reading for tomorrow's class
1-4 Case write-up for tomorrow's class with a friend
4-5 Workout with said friend
5-5:30 Purchase school book for tonight's class and return a different one
5:45-6:15 Teach a piano lesson
6:30-9:20 Managing Organizations class
9:30-11:15 Reading for tomorrow's class and more prep
11:15-11:45 Prepare a speech for Toastmasters tomorrow morning
12-12:15 Italian practice

I've been asked by perspective MA/MBA students if they'll have time to do extracurricular activities during their time at SMU. I'd say that it's doable but just expect to have 16 hour days sometimes!

Buona notte!


"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out." Proverbs 25:2

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ending Spring Break / Beg Mod B

Spring break week was great - 'what did I do', you ask? Nothing. And it was wonderful.

Well, not exactly nothing. I went to the dentist and optometrist, as well as getting a manicure and massage. Worked out a bit and hung out with friends and family. Also went to a quartet concert and an inspirational speaker - Aron Ralston (the character of the movie 127 hours), who - by the way - was a great speaker put on by my alma mater - Amarillo College and the Student Government Association (good memories)

For the next mod, I have alot going on. 5 classes, babysitting, teaching 2 music lessons, executive coaching, toastmasters, working out, and traveling. Whew. It will be a wild ride.

Time to sleep - Daylight Saving Time has caught up with me.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Break

Projects completed. Papers written. Tests taken. Assignments turned in. The mod is over. And all that remains?

Our grades.

This waiting period is probably my least favorite part of each mod.

Besides that, I'm enjoying a week off back in my hometown with my family. Today I began looking at my assignments for next mod and thinking (so far only thinking) of doing some work to get ahead. I'm excited about Mod B but I'm also thinking it will be a lot of work and time. I decided to add another elective to my schedule which ends up adding double my current reading load per week. I'll also have to really stay on top of assignments due to my trips out of town throughout the mod.

Another fun thing - because of my extra curricular work with SMU's Business Leadership Center, I have been paired with an Executive Coach through Mod B. This will be a weekly meeting to discuss my goals - currently they are: 'How to motivate a team to sustain effectiveness and interest' and 'Gain knowledge on how to successfully transition from staff member to management leader - especially considering my young age'. I'm excited to see what I can gain from this coaching opportunity that SMU has provided.

That's all for now.
