Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First time in the hand-shaped state

After leaving the grand city of New York, I flew to Michigan - my first time for an extended period of time in this state.

Interlochen Center for the Arts is just a beautiful campus and arts center. The weather has been incredible in the 70's during the day and cooler at night - basically perfect. The Institute (the part of Interlochen that I'm involved in) is housed on the part of campus that is directly situated next to the Interlochen State Park and has been a joy to be able to run on forest trails. It's so much easier to run fast when you are more interested and focused on the flora and fauna than you are having to focus on your running form or breathing.

Training was.. well, training. But was not all tedious and boring. My Director (I'm Assistant to D.) is similar in my training style in that we say what is needed and expect comprehension and intelligence from those being trained. Not needless repetition or pointless discussion. We said what was needed. Exactly how I like to train / teach. Nothing extraneous. We went to a Lake Michigan beach one night and though cold, we enjoyed s'mores and frisbee and a great campfire. Love me some bonding time :)

After training and staff training, the 330 campers arrived and the fun part began! Days have been great - waking the kids up, breakfast, some office work / nap, lunch, more work / nap, run, dinner, evening activities, work, sleep. The counsellors are all really great people that I'm happy to be working with. The best example of this was on Saturday when the majority of campers arrived. There was a delivery of luggage from the airport that was sitting in front of our HQ and when I noticed, I asked if someone would just check to see who they belonged to and move them to their cabins for them. Of the 12 people in HQ, 7 jumped up enthusiastically and before I knew it, the luggage was delivered. What a great group of servants and willing helpers!

Though not over, this has already been on of the best summers in quite a while! I'd be rather happy if I got to work with Interlochen again someday.


Beach time!

It was a beautiful sunset

"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way." ~Jane Austen

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