Saturday, July 13, 2013

Big living on the big island

Well it's been two full weeks on the Big Island! And it's been great. Wherever you live, you get to a point of feeling like 'this is just life. this is the way things are'. .. if you know what I'm talking about. People ask me how I'm liking it - and I feel like I'm just living here, in this amazing place with great people and beautiful scenery. Of course I like it. I like living wherever I am whether it's in Dallas with great school and friends, or Hawaii with the beautiful landscapes added in there. Point being: you are who you are, no matter where you are.

Some lists of places / things I've done while here - not relating to work:
~ 69 - mentioned in my last blog but this beach is smaller, less overall sand which helps cut down on number of people, beautiful trees that are close to the water. A much more intimate and quiet beach.
~ Hapuna - a quite large beach but great for frisbee and or other sport beach activities. Alot of room on sand or grass land to picnic or have group activities so this beach is a little busier.
~ Mauna Kea - drive through private hotel land / golf course to get to this beach which makes the arrival pretty. The beach itself is reminiscent of Hapuna in the depth and length but feels more exclusive and upscale because of the nice resort that is located there.
~ Spencer - part of a state park recreational area so there is a campsite and other type campy things. But overall I think people forget about this beach so I like it. I feel like the sand is not quite so fine on this beach and therefore can slightly avoid feeling like sand has invaded your entire body / life.

Beach 69
Spencer Beach
Mauna Kea Beach
View of the mountains from my house
Mountain view on the running trail
Having fun in the office
Jason and I at a faculty concert
Hawaii Sunset
~ Scuba - I've done my pool dive for my scuba certification. I knew slightly what to expect because I had done some resort scuba diving days before. But I didn't expect - though should've predicted - getting to learn what to do in 'emergency' situations. I.e. if your regulator blows and you have air free flowing - how to breathe the bubbles (and practicing that in the pool for 30 seconds), practicing being completely out of air and surfacing slowly, etc. It was a challenge but quite fun and made me feel alot safer and better about being under water and knowing what to do in case of rare circumstances. My next dive is on Tuesday with 2 dives in open water, then the next and final dive for my certification is on the 22nd. I'm also going to schedule at least one night dive - that sounds absolutely amazing.
~ Paddling - I've enjoyed paddling in the early morning and learning the correct stroke and form (or trying to at least). Yesterday morning was a bit tougher for some reason and I was sore even on the way out. But it's an excellent way to start the day and do some upper body workout instead of my usual running etc.
~ Running - my boss, Jason (who is also a marathoner) and I have enjoyed a couple of runs out by the neighborhood that we are both staying. It's a 2.5 mile route but half of that is uphill and into crazy kamakani (wind!). it's very much a resistance training on that half of the run. My personal running goal for the short term future is to get back to a long run every week of 10 miles and short runs in the week of 4 or 5. It's something to work toward at least.

As for work, it has been pretty low key - just doing administrative work and concert prep, as well as inventory management and accounting. I'm gaining confidence in my knowledge of the festival and loving being able to help others when I can and do a good job while I'm here working.

My favorite concert so far was Liane Carroll who is an amazing jazz performer from England. Her album 'Up and Down' in 2012 was voted Best Jazz Album of the  Year and Liane was also awarded 'Best British Vocalist'. She is an amazing singer as well as a really cool and fun person to hang out with also. We were quite fortunate to become friends with her while she was here.

That's it for now!


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